
mayhair.com Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
mayhair.com  always solemn commitment to protect customer's privacy , the following statement is intended and swe the privacy following questions .

Two types information www.mayhair.com colloect user
1:non personal information of user , we will collect the non personal information through your Ip address, such as your browser , operating system types , services you provide access to the ISP domain name , to optimaze on your computer scree page , by collecting the information , we also conduct traffic statistics , so as to improve the site management and service . 

2: personal data , 
when you make a user registration , online or in public forums and other activities on the site , in agree and confirm tby you . this site will be requires you provide personal information through the registration form , the personal data including : personal indentification data , such as name ,data of birth , telephone , address , email and other information , 
our commitment in without your consent and confirmation before , this website will not use your information provided for other purposes .

3: safety information 
this site will be on the information you provide for strict management and protection . this website will use the correcsponding technique to protect your personal information is lost , stolen or tampered with by 

user permission 
your personal data shall enjoy the right to 
1: any enquiries and requests the reading 
2: at the time for supplement or corrction 
3: any request to delete 
4: requests to stop computer processing and utilization 
5:in view of the above permission . this site provides time for you satisfied with the service , you can contact customer service and return the net : email :mayhair01@hotmail.com

1: As your user password to others or share with others the registered account  by yourself , which has led to the disclosure of any personal data .
2: any due to hacker attacks , computer viruses or attacks , due to government regulation caused the temporary closure of affecting the normal operation of the network without force majeure caused by the disclosure of personal data , lost , stolen or tampered .
3: as personal data and other wesites linked to this website caused by leakage and resulting consequences of any legal dispute .

